The APAR difference

  • APAR has two state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities to manufacture electrical cables up to 66 kV as per various Indian and international standards. Our cables are designed after detailed engineering to meet the specific requirements and provide high performance.

  • Our manufacturing facilities are supported by an NABL accredited laboratory, which ensures that every cable manufactured passes stringent quality checks and meets testing requirements.

  • The range of cables we offer are suitable for a various number of applications and industries across the globe.

MV/HV XLPE insulated power cables up to 66 kV

APAR has been making medium voltage cables up to 33 kV since 1991. We have a state-of-the-art facility for manufacturing medium and high-voltage XLPE cables up to 66 kV on two precision CCV lines.

The older line is dry cure water cooled, and the newer ones are dry cure dry cooled. These precision-engineered cables are designed to match the highest Indian and international standards.

Our cables are made from high-performance polymers, and are provided with with triple-layer cross heads and Sikora x-Ray systems. They are ideal for critical applications requiring PD values less than 2 PC. XLPE provides excellent electrical and mechanical properties, and a low dielectric factor. We also develop high-ampacity XLPE cables for maximum continuous operating temperatures of 105°C.
Application MV Cables support a voltage range between 6 kV and 33 kV, making them ideal for use in infrastructure (including the distribution and transmission of power). Apart from transmission, these 66 kV cables are used for bulk power distribution.
Characteristics Simultaneous triple extrusion of three layers: semicon/XLPE/semicon cross-linking under high temperatures and inert gas, rated from 3.3/6.6 kV up to u0/u = 38/66 kV The inner/outer sheaths of PVC/PE/FR/FRLS/LSOH are available as per customer requirements. The single core cables have an armouring of aluminium flat strip/round wire or tape.For multi core cable armouring, the GI Steel can be in flat strip, round wire or tape. The conductor is generally Class 2 stranded compacted. 8000 series Aluminium can also be provided.
Applicable standards IS 7098 Part 2, BS 6622 & IEC 60502-2 specifications for voltage grades upto 66 KV
Product range Single core cables: copper/aluminium, armoured/non armoured, PVC/PE/LSOH sheathing from 150mm² to 1000 mm² upto 66 kV (moisture barrier of aluminium corrugated sheath or polyal tape)
Advantages Three core cables: 3.3 kV to 33 kV with copper/aluminium, armoured and non armoured, PVC/PE/LSOH sheathing up to 630 mm². The low discharge PD values of XLPE insulation ensures a long and trouble-free service life.

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LV XLPE insulated power cables up to 1000 mm

APAR manufactures low-voltage, XLPE-insulated, heavy-duty cables. XLPE cables have higher electrical strength retention, short circuit rating and better electrical, mechanical and thermal properties.

XLPE cables have higher electrical strength retention, short circuit rating and better electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. The cables are precision-engineered to meet specific requirements and high service performance. Moreover, XLPE cables have better resistance to moisture and to surge currents. XLPE Cables also have higher cable operating temperatures at 90°C, and short circuit temperatures at 250°C.


Multi core cables can be used for analogue and digital signals, as well as power distribution. They are often used to simplify the physical setup of a system and to provide a neater connection between two pieces of equipment. We have also developed higher-ampacity XLPE cables suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures of 105°C.
Application These cables are mainly used for low-voltage power distribution by utilities supplying power to industrial and commercial enterprises, and for various equipment, large motors and other connected loads.
Characteristics Suitable for use on AC 1 phase or 3 phase (earthed or unearthed) for low voltage up to and including 1100 V.These cables can be used on DC systems for rated voltage up to and including 1500 V on earth. The inner/outer sheaths of PVC/PE/FR/FRLS/LSOH are available as per customer requirements. The armouring of single core cables with aluminium flat strip/round wire or tape is provided. For multi core cables, the GI Steel can be in flat strip, round wire or tape.The conductor used is generally Class 2 stranded compacted. 8000 series aluminium can also be provided.
Applicable standards I.S. 7098 PART 1 , IEC 60502-1 and BS 5467 specifications for the voltage range of 600/1000 volts and 1100 volts. They can also be manfuactured as per AS/NZS 4026 & AS/NZS : 5000.1
Product range 1 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 1000 mm²2 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 400mm²3 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 400mm²4 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 500mm²2,3 and 4 core cables with reduced neutral conductor: both armoured and unarmoured. PVC sheathed cables 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V up to and including 400 mm²
5 core cables up to and including 150 mm²
Advantages Long service life with defect-free insulation. Lower laying cost due to comparatively smaller diameter of cable and higher weight. Lower installation charges, as the diameter of the cable is smaller, with a smaller bending radius, which requires less space for cable laying.

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LV XLPE/PVC insulated control cables up to 61 core

APAR manufactures low-voltage, XLPE-insulated, heavy-duty cables. XLPE cables have higher electrical strength retention, short circuit rating and better electrical, mechanical and thermal properties.

APAR’s XLPE-insulated, PVC-sheathed, multi-core (with and without steel wire armour (SWA)) auxiliary fixed wiring cables are used in power networks, underground, outdoor and indoor applications. They are also used in cable ducting for residential and commercial infrastructure.


They serve as the connecting medium in power and control panels, cabinets and switchgears. They are also used for stationary and static appliances, motors, and for other single phase connections. The cables provide protection against electrical interference and resistance to caustic substances and oils.
Application Control cables are primarily used with control, indication and alarm equipment for switchgears and similar power apparatuses in power stations and substations.
Characteristics Our multi core cables take almost 40% less space than other similar cables. The cables are resistant to oils and chemicals. The 4 kV test voltage ensures high-insulation performance.
Applicable standards I.S. 7098 PART 1, IEC 60502-1 and BS 5467 specifications for 600/1000 V to 1100 V. Also manufactured as per AS/NZS 4026 & AS/NZS : 5000.1
Product range 1.5 and 2.5 mm core armoured, unarmoured, PVC sheathed Cables 600/1000 V from 2 core, up to 61 core with sheathing of PVC/ FRLS/ LSOH.
Advantages Multi core cables are reasonably priced, easy to work with, durable and versatile. They can be used in dry, damp and even wet interiors under medium mechanical load conditions.

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LV & MV aerial bunch cables

Aerial bundle cables, or simply ABC, are cables for overhead lines and combine multiple single core cables together.

APAR manufactures low-voltage, XLPE-insulated, heavy-duty cables. XLPE cables have higher electrical strength retention, short circuit rating and better electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. The cables are precision-engineered to meet specific requirements and high service performance. Moreover, XLPE cables have better resistance to moisture and to surge currents. XLPE Cables also have higher cable operating temperatures at 900°C, and short circuit temperatures at 250°C.

Multi core cables can be used for analogue and digital signals, as well as power distribution. They are often used to simplify the physical setup of a system and to provide a neater connection between two pieces of equipment. We have also developed higher-ampacity XLPE cables suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures of 105°C.
Application These cables are mainly used for low-voltage power distribution by utilities supplying power to industrial and commercial enterprises, and for various equipment, large motors and other connected loads.
Characteristics Suitable for use on AC 1 phase or 3 phase (earthed or unearthed) for low voltage up to and including 1100 V.These cables can be used on DC systems for rated voltage up to and including 1500 V on earth. The inner/outer sheaths of PVC/PE/FR/FRLS/LSOH are available as per customer requirements. The armouring of single core cables with aluminium flat strip/round wire or tape is provided. For multi core cables, the GI Steel can be in flat strip, round wire or tape.The conductor used is generally Class 2 stranded compacted. 8000 series aluminium can also be provided.
Applicable standards I.S. 7098 PART 1 , IEC 60502-1 and BS 5467 specifications for the voltage range of 600/1000 volts and 1100 volts. They can also be manfuactured as per AS/NZS 4026 & AS/NZS : 5000.1
Product range 1 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 1000 mm²2 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 400mm²3 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 400mm²4 core armoured, unarmoured, PVC/PE sheathed cables 600/1000 V & 1900/3300 V up to and including 500mm²2,3 and 4 core cables with reduced neutral conductor: both armoured and unarmoured. PVC sheathed cables 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V up to and including 400 mm²5 core cables up to and including 150 mm²
Advantages Long service life with defect-free insulation. Lower laying cost due to comparatively smaller diameter of cable and higher weight. Lower installation charges, as the diameter of the cable is smaller, with a smaller bending radius, which requires less space for cable laying.

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EHV/MV overhead covered conductors

Covered conductors provide protection from flash overs caused by the clashing of conductors, bird/animal disturbance, fallen tree branches and debris, especially during severe weather and high pollution.

The challenges faced by utilities in installed overhead bare conductors include outages due to temporary tree obstructions, conductor clashing due to corrosion, wide Right of Way (ROW), electromagnetic field effects on electronic surveillance and safety (road /rail/river crossings/slums/congested residential areas).Covered conductors provide protection from flash overs caused by the clashing of conductors, bird/animal disturbance, fallen tree branches and debris, especially during severe weather and high pollution.Covered conductors are the cheaper alternative to underground (UG) cables and High Transmission Aerial Bunched (HTAB) cables. Covered conductors are practically maintenance free for an estimated 30+ years, and are easy to install on a network of bare conductors without changing poles, cross arms and insulators in the same span. They provide the assurance of 24×7 power.
Application MVCCs are an ideal and safe solution for power lines through forests, dense vegetation, wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, lakes, railway and road crossings, slums, congested residential areas, industrial and polluted areas.
Characteristics APAR’s covered conductors are designed as per EN50397-1. They consist of longitudinally water-tight conductors with a triple extruded semiconducting layer, inner pure XLPE layer, and an outer XLPE layer that is UV and track-resistant.
Applicable standards SS EN 50397-1: 2006 , BS EN 50182, IS 398-2, IS 398-4, IEC 61089, AS/NZ
Product range Single core cables from 100 mm² to 400 mm², up to 110 kV, and MV 11 kV to 33 kV. Weasel, rabbit, raccoon, dog, wolf, coyote, panther, zebra sizes of conductor in AAAC, ACSR, ACSS.
Advantages With APAR’s covered conductors, interruptions on transient faults are rare: for instance, falling tree branches, creepers. Typically, these constitute a majority of faults in overhead distribution lines. As a result there are fewer power shut downs. (The branches and trees can always be cut or moved away).Moreover, there are no faults caused by clashing of phase conductors during winds and storms, and reduced tower-related costs due to reduced phase-to-phase conductor distance.

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Screened & instrumentation cables

APAR’s instrumentation and signalling cables are designed to transmit signals without interference. They are used where manufacturing and processing operations are electronically controlled and measured.

To provide optimal performance, these interconnection cables are made reliable, robust and resistant to electromagnetic interference.


They are ideal for data acquisition systems, connections between instruments, computer networking, PA systems, digital/analogue control, measuring and communication systems.
Application Ideal for manufacturing plants, for control, communication, data and voice transmission signals, for Oil, Gas and Petroleum Industries and for industrial applications, APAR’s Instrumentation Cables are used in communication and to connect the electrical circuits of instruments. They are specially meant for aspects of the plant that require signal transfer.
Applicable standards APAR’s Instrumentation Cables are manufactured with flexible copper conductors and comply with British and International standards, including BS5308, European Standard BS EN 50288-7, and US UL Standard PLTC cables among others. Though BS 5308 was superseded by the Harmonised Standard BS EN 50288-7 in 2005, it is still widely referred to, because the Harmonised Standard does not account for the higher voltage ratings and cable dimensions. A publicly available version of the Standard was published in 2009 as PAS5308.
Product range Part 1 Type 1 – Unarmoured – collectively screened (CAM) and individually & collectively screened (IAM/CAM or ICAT). PE insulated and PVC oversheathed.
Part 1 Type 2 – Armoured – collectively screened and also individually & collectively screened. PE insulated, PE bedded, single wire armoured (SWA) and PVC oversheathed.
BS5308 Part 2 – PVC-insulated Instrumentation Cables in Multi Core and multi-pair construction, with or without screens. They provide the option of incorporating a single wire armour. Part 2 is further categorised as Type 1 & Type 2.
Part 2 Type 1 – Unarmoured construction – PVC-insulated and PVC-oversheathed.
Part 2 Type 2 – Armoured construction – PVC -insulated, PVC-bedded, single wire armoured and PVC-oversheathed.Some of the Cables are offered with mica taping on the conductor for special applications like fire survival.
Advantages APAR Instrumentation Cables have induced voltage control and are designed for installations that need interference suppression.

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Concentric core (anti-theft) cables

APAR’s UNIDAC anti-theft Cables help utilities prevent electricity theft. We manufacture a range of affordable and efficient house service power distribution concentric core cables, especially for the African and Latin American markets.

The main feature of this cable is its concentric design with the phase conductor safely in the middle of the cable. A neutral covers and insulates the core, safeguarding against electricity theft.
Application These cables are used for single-phase supply, cable-to-house service connections of smaller single-phase users where theft and power pilferage is common.
Characteristics Unidac has a small overall diameter because of its concentric design.
Applicable standards CNE and SNE. These cables can also be offered with communication pairs.
Product range The cable sizes are 1×6/6, 1×10/10, 1×16/16, 1×25/25. Higher sizes and multi core cables can be manufactured on request.
Advantages Our cables help avoid unauthorised access to phase conductors insulated by concentric layers.

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LV FR/FRLSH/FR-LSZH fire performance cables

Depending on the degree of fire performance requirements, the electrical consultant can decide the right wire for the application. Apar offers a wide range of these cables from Fire Retardant varieties to Fire Resistant properties. There is an important distinction between fire resistant cables and flame retardant cables. Both are subjected to a series of fire performance tests in order to distinguish them.

For example  while flame retardant cables are designed to resist the spread of fire into a new area, the  fire resistant or fire performance cables are designed to maintain circuit integrity and continue to work for a specified period of time under certain defined conditions.
This difference between the two types is very important especially in case of maintenance of critical circuits required for life safety or for an immediate and secure plant shutdown.Various types of materials and design are used depending on the degree of Fire Performance requirements. These can be used for Medium Voltage, Low Voltage, Control & Instrumentation Cables, or for that matter for any other types of Elastomeric Cables, Fibre Optic cables depending on end use requirements. The sheath material can be FR (Flame Retardant), FRLSH (Flame Retardant Low Smoke & Halogen, FR- LSOH (Flame Retardant Low Smoke Zero halogen). Certain designs also require meeting high temperature circuit integrity test, such cables are referred as Fire Resistant or Fire Survival cables. The Fire Performance improves safety, help reduce damages to buildings or equipment during fires and also provide the important extra time required to escape from the fire conditions.

Application These cables are mainly Intended for applications requiring safety during a fire. They are used on Oil & gas Platforms, in fire alarm systems, in the Sprinkler systems in schools, hospitals, cinemas, ships, underground stations, Airports, commercial complexes, railway coaches, etc.
Characteristics Apar’s Fire Performance cables are designed for enhanced fire retardancy and resistance in applications requiring the delivery of power and auxiliary control in fire alarm systems, voice alarm systems, and emergency lighting systems These cables also are an integral part systems for life safety and fire-fighting applications. The Fire Resistant cables ensure signal transmission, even in case of a fire, thus safeguarding operation of the safety system .
Applicable standards  IS, IEC, BS, AS/NZ as applicable.
Product range All varieties of PVC/XLPE/Rubber Insulated Copper/Aluminium cables, Medium Voltage MV 11 kV Fire Resistant Cables also offered, Fibre Optic cables, etc. can be provided with Fire Retardant or Fire Resistant features.
Advantages Reduced vision impairing smoke, Less harm to individuals from halogenated acid gases, Less harm to equipment and computers from halogenated acid gases.

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Subsea underwater LV/MV cables

APAR manufactures and supplies high-performance underwater cables and subsea electrical products (with a range of functions in a single cable) for the naval defence sector.

Thanks to our significant investments in state-of-the-art machinery, proprietary processes and design engineering skills developed over decades, we have a competitive edge as the only Indian cable company that provides customised integrated cable products and solutions for such critical applications.
Application Thanks to our rich experience in executing orders for naval systems, APAR can design and engineer sub-sea cable systems involving high and low voltage cables, as well as fibre optic cables for sub-sea applications.
Characteristics System voltage: 1 kV up to 33 kV. The sub-sea cable is laid in a shallow seabed depth of 50 M.
Applicable standards APAR’s sub-sea cables are manufactured and qualified by IEC requirements. We can also manufacture based on customers’ designs and standards.
Product range LV outboard installation cables for naval vessels; XLPE Insulated AC medium-voltage submarine cables with fibre optic cables.
Advantages Our custom engineered cables combine maximum strength with minimum diameter to enable efficient data and power transmission while surviving repeated duty cycles over long periods in harsh conditions.

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Railway signalling cables

APAR’s rail signalling cables incorporate a unique design to ensure the smooth running of railway networks. These cables are used for control and signalling,

which keeps rail networks moving safely. They are suitable DC circuits, where the nominal voltage to earth does not exceed 1100 V, and are suitable for installation in ducts.
Application Based on their application and design, these cables are ideal for internal applications, like free wiring installations in ducting, relay rooms, signal boxes, REBs and location cases. Some designs are used between equipment boxes, signal boxes, relay rooms and location cases. Others are for tunnels and underground purposes. These cables are suitable for AC systems (earthed or unearthed), for rated voltages up to and including 1100 V, and DC systems for rated voltages up to and including 1500 V to earth.
Characteristics Cables with these specifications have the advantage of elastomer or Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) type insulation over the tinned copper conductors. Their voltage ratings are 650/1100 V, and they have an operating temperature range of -25°C to +85°C.
Applicable standards IRS: S 63/2007
Product range Heavy-duty EPR insulated, and heavy-duty PCP sheathed single, twin and multi core cables.Light duty LSZH sheathed single and multi core cables for internal use.TYPE A/B/C/D/E 1, 2 & 3 railway signalling cables.
Advantages These cables ensure that there is no interruption in the transmission of signals, and ensure continuous power supply alongside tracks for signalling.

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High ampacity XLPE cables (105°C)

APAR offers XLPE Cables in LV (up to 1100 V) and medium voltage (3.3 up to 33 kV), with XLPE insulation suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures of 105°C, instead of conventional maximum operating temperatures of 90°C. As a result, these cables can carry up to 15% more current.

Application Ideal for use in high ambient temperature zones like northern India, where summer temperatures go up to 50°C. They are also used in Middle Eastern countries where summer temperatures go as high as 55°C.
Characteristics XLPE insulation is suitable for maximum continuous operating temperatures of 105°C instead of the conventional XLPE, with maximum operating temperatures of 90°C. Thus these cables can carry up to 15% more current.
Applicable standards All applicable standards
Product range Full range of LV and MV cables
Advantages Due to high ambient temperatures, the cables’ current-carrying capacity is de-rated. By using these cables one can avoid using higher cross sections of conductors, thereby reducing cost.

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